unique words 3

Unique Words 3

Another list of unique concepts. For now simply copied from one of my files are twenty more Hanian terms to increase your vocabulary….

life flashing in front of your eyesthruble [thru ; ble]

A solitary moment of danger when you life flashes in front of your eyes, that’s thruble.

who you know, influence and political powerraathi [raa ; thi]

This term is a very specific cultural concept.

Often it’s also a word to mean you have power by who you know.
So it can be used for networking power as well.
And to demean influence and political power too.
Arabian culture, specifically in Dubai has a similar concept called wasta.
Today when everything depends on social networking and who you know, it’s ever important.

    kon ; ra is a related concept which is merit type of system that helps give you influence & standing in the Empire.

staying silent because you are not powerful enoughamav [a ; mav]

Anyone who stays silent because they are being bullied or they are scared to speak up are amav.
This can also mean to put up with things you would not if you had more power.
Not only individuals but also whole people / countries can have this occur.

messy informal feastgizwa [giz ; wa]

Imagine food everywhere, informally prepared and eaten in a messy way, this is a gizwa.
Opposite of a formal feast and not quite as organized as a buffet.
Not always where everyone brings a dish like a potluck.

people going to and froetizal [e ; ti ; zal]

Many people going around, to and fro.
While it looks like urban chaos it isn’t, it’s hundreds of people trying to do their own thing.
Imagine people swarming like ants. This is what the term means and it plays out in every city, daily.

et ; zi ; al seen in the picture above, it can also involve viewing cars from a distance on a clustered junction.


all or nothingoblul [ob ; lul]

There is no grey, it’s a black or white situation and a choice must be made.
A situation where the choice is bitter.
Not fence sitting, but being all in and committed completely to something.
For all those use this word.

nothing bad happens without reasontiadiz [ti ; a ; diz]

This term describes that nothing bad happens without good reason.
That there is method to the madness.
The chaos that we may be seeing is natural, it will make sense later.
Something good will come out of the bad.
Hindsight is 20 / 20.
It hits all of us equally. All these can be said by using tiadiz.

reading, speaking to or singing to a baby / toddler to teach them soundshimuvna [hi ; muv ; na]

Singing a lullaby.
Reading stories to a toddler to have them hear sounds.
Speaking to a baby in the belly to familiarize them to your voice.
It is also what baby is doing when they are baby talking and babbling.
All these are himuvna, something that’s very important in Hanian.


good sense of directiongatihn [ga ; tihn]

The word means having a good sense of direction, as in not getting lost easily.
While it can be used for path – finding it’s really knowing where you are going.
Usually literally, sometimes though figuratively too.


realizing how little we know and being humble about itchegor [che ; gor]

Usually in regards to space and the universe, but can have other meanings too.
Can also be used to say we never stop learning.

being in the here and nowthoshad [tho ; shad]

Meaning simply being in the here and now, this word is used for other things too.
Also means living day to day; focused on what is in front of one at that moment.
It can also be used to say being focused on reality.

head over heels in lovelariv [la ; riv]

Use lariv to say that someone is head over heels in love.
Also use it to denote someone who is really showering someone in devotion, romance, and gifts.
A related word rizar [ri ; zar] means the gifts given because of being in love.

what ever element you breathetechur [te ; chur]

Most of the time we just say air, or call it by it’s name: oxygen.
However, it could be different for others, so whatever element it is that’s your techur.
In the chaha books according to the antagonists the first thing to learn is esh, meaning yes. Second thing is yaiita techur [ya ; ii ; ta te ; chur] the first part here means oxygen.

striking out on own, the first timenirgesh [nir ; gesh]

Striking out on own in adulthood.
Can also mean first experience with something, like a first day at a new job.
First time in doing anything.
It implies being shy, nervous, clumsy, and awkward.

soul imprintthazga [thaz ; ga]

Experience or knowledge brought with you naturally.
Feeling like you carried experience, knowledge or talent over from previous lives.
Having natural talents in areas you should not know / have any experience in given this life.
Soul Imprint.


people who live off the land chothan [cho ; than]

This is not simply “off the grid living”, unless it’s in a survival situation.
But rather living off the land, ie. like indigenous tribes do.
Many who live off the land hunt, fish and gather and are living very naturally.
They may even be nomadic. It implies either having no way to do anything else or always having done it out of tradition.

water source found on another planetwecha [we ; cha]

This is not necessarily H2O as we understand water, but any water source found on a planet.
It implies potential for life existing there.

Unique Words 4 Coming soon!

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