Transition – tza ; ni


tza ; ni

This is the first level of the konra ranking system, it’s for the beginner and the newbie. Everyone begins here. Those who remain here are those who are citizens but who really don’t participate in the Empire. They may live in our administrative territories or that may have registered with us. Because of this they really aren’t in the caste system per say; rather they hold a citizenship in our Empire.

As the symbolism shows: we provide for them, we protect them, we guide them. In a way we serve them and everything we do is for them and to make the world better around us. To calm the confusion we swirl around them to assure things are going well!  Many at this level aren’t ready to make the commitment to be fully involved, some may not yet want to see what it means to be Hanian. It may be that they are too busy or haven’t stated a desire to move forward. Those who are citizens of the Empire may be found in regions or territories where we’re providing services or getting things done. Things we do behind the scenes may benefit those who just barely pass us by.

For you this is a transition level. You are in and out of it quickly and moving upwards by just being active and doing a few things. In fact, most active members of the Empire will not even remember holding this caste / grade long enough to notice it. You blink and it’s gone and you’re in the next spot. How’d that happen and why are so many just sitting there for years? It’s because you decided to do something about the state of the world instead of just waiting for others to take action.

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