Beliefs Freedom Opportunity

Hanian Earth Empire:

Beliefs: Freedom and Opportunity


What we believe in?

Freedom and Opportunity. 


Live and Let Live.

Global Unity.

Sharing work as well as success.

Peer to Peer Economy through Crypto Currencies.


Advancement of the Human Species.

That most crimes shouldn’t be crimes.

Real crimes should be punished harshly.

No more war; human against human. 

A good infrastructure available to all.

An end to needless suffering.

Everyone should have access to basic necessities.

The universe is a vast place, able to be explored responsibly.

This is a rather large section, so please explore this at your own convenience.


Freedom. Everything is based on freedom. Choices. For you and your family to choose how to live your lives. It shouldn’t be the governments job to tell you how to live, who to marry or what religion to follow. So, as Empress, it wouldn’t be my job either. There are plenty of other pressing things to address.

So, the number one law in the entire Empire and in our living in general is : Live and Let Live. No one has the right to tell anyone else what to do in their personal lives. Communities can form at will, religions can form at will, families can live as they choose. Where they want to live, what they want to do for a living and what lives they live. People can organize as they wish and do as they will. Decentralization and smart contracts will help make this occur naturally; crypto currencies will help us having the wealth to do so.

All Laws would be made with this focus in mind; allowing Freedom and Opportunity for all. Everything Hanian has been set up with this in mind and this would continue to be done in this manner. What people do in their private lives is not the business of the administration; it’s our job to make sure people have plenty of opportunity and resources to bring humanity to our full potential.

So nothing anyone does is our business, unless someone forces their will upon another.

Crime could radically be redefined too, no more crazy laws that make things criminal that aren’t really crimes. 


Basic necessities should be provided to all people, regardless of who they are or where they live. Crypto DeFi can help with this; in a way that is unobtrusive as it transfers wealth from the old system to those who are in the new decentralized system.

People should be free to travel and live where – ever they wish and individual communities catering to diverse individual tastes should be able to spring up with ease. 

In addition a good solid infrastructure should be everywhere, so that people in all areas have similar opportunity for success and personal expression. If we provide plenty of places where people can have a better life then those that treat people badly will loose out quickly. Loyalty is real power, people are the real power and we would leverage that for the power of good.

Once similar infrastructure, opportunities and fairness exists in multiple areas various first world countries would no longer have immigration problems as there is nothing to “flee from” any longer.

People can go where they want and do the things they want to do.

With proper infrastructure, multiple areas where people can find opportunity, freedom and fairness many things would start seeing a rapid decline.

Crypto Currencies such as Bitcoin Cash, our Empire’s own Konra and Narath tokens can enable a pure peer to peer economy which will help increase opportunity and shift power from the elites back to the people. As we experiment with Smart Contracts and DAO based governance models we can decentralize safely and effectively – allowing us maximum freedom.

Not alone in the Universe : Advancement

We believe in the advancement of the human species. This doesn’t just mean technological advancement but also social advancement. Decentralizing and fixing our planet is just one step of a much larger endeavor. Our future can be very bright, but to realize this we must make some changes.

We also believe in that we’re not alone in the universe. In fact we know we’re not alone. With so many planets out there it’s mathematically improbable that we’re alone in the universe. As such we must prepare ourselves for exploring space, entering the larger interstellar community and first contact. All of these will happen at some point in the future and it may be much sooner than you think. We’re the only nation planning to have an actual Exo Affairs department and we’re also the only ones to actively plan and prepare for space exploration and First Contact. We know that it takes a lot to get into space. After we fix the planet a little bit we’ll set our sights higher; using the resources and knowledge we’ve gained here to bring us into the next stage!

Taxes and Money

Why so complicated, if we must have a tax then it should be possible to simplify all of it. Some taxes could be by voluntary contributions or even built by leverage of DEFI gains, there can be a flat tax on some luxury items, we can leverage natural resources better and many things can be accomplished by exploring unique way of doing things.

We also don’t see why tax should only be money, why can it not be paid in resources or even just by doing things? If you are barely struggling to make ends meet then it’s not fair to have to pay your last few pennies into the treasury.

With our creative taxing anyone can pay taxes with little hassle; we’re even going to experiment letting you pay reasonable taxes with not just money, services and resources – but also our own merit – style currency.

Bitcoin Cash will be our reserve currency, as such we’ll push adoption thereof on a global level. We know it is a powerful tool to help us free people economically and decentralize the world more thus increasing opportunity for everyone.

Lastly, with less wars to fund and less crime to fight and a better infrastructure / less poverty and homelessness social systems wouldn’t be as overburdened. We can probably do a lot more with a whole lot less taxes.

No one has to listen; it's voluntary
Voluntary Participation

It’s creative, it’s different and all of it is voluntary.

Remember that free will thing? It applies to everyone.

So no one has to be a citizen of the Empire and no one has to do anything I say. In fact you must take action to be involved and all of these are suggestions. So yes, things can still change.

However, as you listen to them you may see that they will be effective. Later seeing people putting them into action will let you see results. There may be a lot to do, but there are a lot of us here to do it! All we have to do is work together; to care for one another as fellow human beings and to care for our planet the way civilized advanced cultures do!

Once we do that, everything else will follow.